About Us
At Untangled Media we have one over-riding aim in everything we do – to create and run websites which give added value to the surfing public. The internet is full of self-centred, confusing and useless sites that leave you feeling frustrated and unfulfilled. Our sites all strive to actually give you what you want in the way that you want it - simple, easy-to-use and informative. And it was from this belief that the 101 network was born. There are plenty of travel sites running around out there. But none of them give you an independent, detailed and realistic view of the place you are thinking of visiting. The 101 network is aimed at doing just that. These sites don’t profess to be comprehensive travel guides because, by their very nature, that would be impractical. However, if you want to know about the key things to do, see, try and eat in any of the locations we cover, then the 101 network is right up your alley. Our researchers are constantly on the look-out for new sections to add to the sites so you can rest assured what you are reading is as fresh and updated as possible. So sit back, have a browse and enjoy. And if you have any feedback just drop us a line at info@untangledmedia.com. We are always happy to hear from you.