Serious hikers think nothing of covering 16 to 20km or more in a day while some also incorporate some fairly serious hills along the way. They might reasonably wonder what opportunities could there be for some serious walking on Malta? After all, this is not a big island. How much walking can you do here?
Say the word ‘jazz’ to someone and you’ll get one of two reactions – it’s either a dreamy eyed look as that person hears a Charley Parker saxophone solo in their mind, or they’ll pull a face as if someone has just served them a raw liver sandwich. There are no half measures – people love or loathe jazz!
The history of Malta has been incredibly well documented but the episodes that are widely known are all of a human perspective. There’s another aspect to this island’s past, however, that is just as fascinating – the history of its geology, plant and animal life – for an insight into that head for the National Museum of Natural History in Mdina .
If we are to believe the iconic American band Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers then ‘coming down is the hardest thing’ when you’re learning to fly. He probably tried to learn on Malta because the rest of it – finding someone to teach you, perfect conditions, great views etc is dead easy!
Set in the picturesque bay of St. Julians, Peppino's has been established for more than 19 years and has become an institution as an excellent meeting place for all occasions, whether it be business entertaining, a romantic meal or a friendly get-together as well.
This is not an article advising you to watch a dodgy ‘coming-of-age’ film from the 1980s – the one that earned notoriety for the divine Brooke Shields swimming topless. We certainly would never recommend that! This is about the Maltese Blue Lagoon – an enjoyable experience that does not require you to fast-forward through an hour of dull nonsense before anything interesting happens!
So exactly what is it that makes dolphins cute? OK, so they’re mammals but they’ve got much more of a fish about them than say a cat or a dog, and you never catch people saying: “Ahhhh, what a cute looking haddock!” or “Isn’t that seabass sweet!”
Disneyland is a massive tourist theme park powered by an immense back catalogue of globally renowned multi-million dollar films. By contrast, Popeye Village is the ramshackle former set of one not particularly successful film made by the very same Disney Corporation more than 30 year ago. It really should be rubbish. Oddly, it’s not! And we love it!
Take a unique and prestigious piece of Maltese handmade craftsmanship back home with you and see a free, live glassblowing demonstration at the Mdina Glass workshop at Ta’ Qali Crafts Village. Established in 1968, Mdina Glass is The Original Glass of Malta.
More than 20-plus years ago (when I first went) Valletta was a city crying out for facilities that really took advantage of the view. Sure, there were plenty of excellent cafés and bars but these were in the middle of town. If only someone would build a development on the side of the Grand Harbour – on the Valletta Waterfront.
Welcome to the only online guide to Malta that you'll ever need. And what's more, it's free! Whatever it is that you wish to know about Malta is right here. So, congratulations... if you're planning the perfect holiday in Malta, you've just made the first step! With – as you would imagine by the name of the website – more than 100 things to choose from, all you need to worry about is how to fit them all in.
They say beautiful things come in small packages and that’s exactly what you’ll find with the island of Malta. Peel back the wrapping on this one just a millimetre or two and one small peek reveals...
There are many holiday islands in the Mediterranean but there’s only one Malta. It has immense history and heritage, incredibly warm, helpful and welcoming people, good public transport and fantastic weather...
If there’s one thing Mediterranean countries all know how to produce it’s great food, and Malta is certainly no exception. It should come as no massive shock that fresh fish and seafood are prominent...
There’s a vast range of things to see on this terrific island so let’s take a whistle-stop tour to give you an idea of how diverse the choice is. Starting in the south with Marsaxlokk, a quaint...
Shopaholics do not be afraid, because you won’t have to go cold turkey if you take a trip to Malta. In fact, far from it, because this little island has plenty to offer when it comes to ‘retail...
There’s no end to the list of things you can try your hand at on Malta. The fact that it’s surrounded by crystal clear seas and has a fantastic climate mean that outdoor activities, especially water...
As anyone who has been on the island in the summer time will tell you, the Maltese don’t half love a festival! Pretty much every town, village and city has a massive one every year with deafening and...
It’s less than 20 miles from end to end and getting around is easy so, where you stay in Malta is not nearly so important as what type of place you choose to stay in! You might be looking for that touch of...
Getting around in Malta is easy-peasy. Due to the small size of the country (and even more so as regards its sister island Gozo), it is pretty much possible to traverse the whole island in under an hour! If you...