
Disneyland is a massive tourist theme park powered by an immense back catalogue of globally renowned multi-million dollar films. By contrast, Popeye Village is the ramshackle former set of one not particularly successful film made by the very same Disney Corporation more than 30 year ago. It really should be rubbish. Oddly, it’s not! And we love it!
Never discount a Sightseeing Bus Tour! Even though you may consider yourself a ‘traveller’ not a ‘tourist’, someone keen to immerse yourself in the culture of a new nation, these vehicles still have their place and provide an excellent and valuable service – especially on Malta!
Given the age and vintage nature of many of the cars still regularly used on Malta, the thought of paying to see a Classic Car Collection is one that usually prompts a wry smile. Prior to joining the EU, and imported cars becoming much cheaper, the entire island could have been considered a classic car collection!
There are scores of things to do and see on Malta but If you sat us down and pressed us for the top three day trips on Malta then we’d probably say – Valletta , Gozo and the island’s former capital city, Mdina . This beautiful and charming hill-top fortress is a must-see - and one of the best ways to get acquainted with it is to climb board the Sightseeing Train.
Spend any time in Valletta and you can’t help but be impressed by its magnificent and historic Grand Harbour. And if you make it to the lovely Valletta Waterfront complex when there’s a cruise liner in port then you’ll no doubt feel a pang of jealousy when seeing those lucky passengers, who’ve avoided all the traffic and parking chaos, by gliding into the city in serene fashion.
Playmobil toys are magic! Not only are they exceptionally well designed and made but they also keep kids amused for hours. And they’re also magic because they have loads of very small parts, many of which see, to disappear! What most parents don’t realise, though, is those magical toys could well have been produced right here in Malta!
Attractions in Malta
They say beautiful things come in small packages and that’s exactly what you’ll find with the island of Malta. Peel back the wrapping on this one just a millimetre or two and one small peek reveals scores of captivating, inspiring, exhilarating and intriguing things inside. Many of the attractions on Malta today are shaped by its unique and immense history and they sit comfortably alongside the myriad of modern activities, accommodation, facilities and exciting nightlife you’d expect from a bustling Mediterranean resort.
Spend any time in Valletta and you can’t help but be impressed by its magnificent and historic Grand Harbour. And if you make it to the lovely Valletta Waterfront complex when there’s a cruise liner in port then you’ll no doubt feel a pang of jealousy when seeing those lucky passengers, who’ve avoided all the traffic and parking...READ MORE
Given the age and vintage nature of many of the cars still regularly used on Malta, the thought of paying to see a Classic Car Collection is one that usually prompts a wry smile. Prior to joining the EU, and imported cars becoming much cheaper, the entire island could have been considered a classic car collection! READ MORE
Playmobil toys are magic! Not only are they exceptionally well designed and made but they also keep kids amused for hours. And they’re also magic because they have loads of very small parts, many of which see, to disappear! What most parents don’t realise, though, is those magical toys could well have been produced right here in Malta! READ MORE
Disneyland is a massive tourist theme park powered by an immense back catalogue of globally renowned multi-million dollar films. By contrast, Popeye Village is the ramshackle former set of one not particularly successful film made by the very same Disney Corporation more than 30 year ago. It really should be rubbish. Oddly, it’s not! And we love it! READ MORE
Never discount a Sightseeing Bus Tour! Even though you may consider yourself a ‘traveller’ not a ‘tourist’, someone keen to immerse yourself in the culture of a new nation, these vehicles still have their place and provide an excellent and valuable service – especially on Malta! READ MORE
There are scores of things to do and see on Malta but If you sat us down and pressed us for the top three day trips on Malta then we’d probably say – Valletta , Gozo and the island’s former capital city, Mdina . This beautiful and charming hill-top fortress is a must-see - and one of the best ways to get acquainted with it is to climb...READ MORE