Attractions in Malta
They say beautiful things come in small packages and that’s exactly what you’ll find with the island of Malta. Peel back the wrapping on this one just a millimetre or two and one small peek reveals scores of captivating, inspiring, exhilarating and intriguing things inside. Many of the attractions on Malta today are shaped by its unique and immense history and they sit comfortably alongside the myriad of modern activities, accommodation, facilities and exciting nightlife you’d expect from a bustling Mediterranean resort.
Let’s start this one with a history question! Where will you find the oldest standing structures in the world? Now, you don’t have to be any sort of genius to figure out that this is a Malta travel guide so the answer is going to be Malta. And you’d be … well, wrong actually, because they’re on the sister island of Gozo and...READ MORE
“Ghar Dalam! What’s that?” you ask. Well, contrary to the appearance of its name it is not something you’d order to eat in an Indian restaurant after an onion bhaji. It’s a cave! But no ordinary cave. This is a very significant cave – the very place where the earliest evidence of human settlement on Malta was discovered...READ MORE
Had you been knocking around in the times when men dressed in furs and went out to spear something tasty for their fur-bikini-clad woman to lob onto the fire back at the cave for dinner, then Malta may have surprised you. You see back in that prehistoric era, this tiny island was incredibly advanced in terms of buildings and temples and this is perhaps the most...READ MORE
There’s nothing original in the notion of travelling to Malta but that doesn’t mean it’s not it’s not worth coming. Millions of people can’t be wrong and neither can scores of generations! People have been attracted to these sun-drenched shores for thousands of years – and in case you needed any proof, head for the the Hal...READ MORE
The Inquisitor’s Palace, in Birgu, is a surviving relic of a fascinating but sinister period in Malta’s history. It charts more than two centuries from the mid 1500s – a time when the Catholic Church took extreme measures to ensure the island’s population stuck rigidly to its beliefs. It was also a time when confidential confessions and...READ MORE
History plays a big part on the make-up of Malta. There are many things on the island that have been around for centuries and the national theatre is no exception. Not only is it reputedly the third oldest working theatre in Europe but it also has a fair bit of class and elegance about it. For the Manoel Theatre was created in Valletta by the legendary...READ MORE
The history of Malta has been incredibly well documented but the episodes that are widely known are all of a human perspective. There’s another aspect to this island’s past, however, that is just as fascinating – the history of its geology, plant and animal life – for an insight into that head for the National Museum of Natural History...READ MORE
There is much about the Maltese as a nation for which they can be justifiably proud. They are friendly, passionate and unfalteringly loyal. But, you rub them up the wrong way and get on the wrong side of them and they will kick your ass! If you have any doubts about how bloody-minded and resilientthey can be when someone threatens their island then visit the...READ MORE
A glance in any souvenir shop or history book will tell you that knights have played a major role in the history of Malta. The knight connection is all down to a group of fighting men known as the Knights of Malta. They saw off an invasion from the Islamic Ottoman Empire in 1565 and secured the island’s future as a Christian nation. READ MORE
So who wouldn’t want to be filthy rich given the choice? And if you can’t achieve that goal, then who isn’t interested in seeing how the filthy rich live their lives and decorate their homes? Of course, the answer is that most of us are obsessed with ‘how the other half lives’ and, if we can’t join them, we can at least have...READ MORE