No matter how ridiculous you think the Eurovision Song Contest might be - with it’s bizarre range of songs, strange costumes, downright dubious dance routines and hugely predictable political voting - many Maltese people consider it to be a very big deal!
Is there a sound on earth as heavenly as that of a talented, well-rehearsed, quality choir? Well, if you’re not sure then you can find out by attending Malta’s dedicated festival for choirs. Be aware that you may have a wait though because this one only comes around every two years.
Patrons of the arts can often be found tapping their fingers impatiently in the early summer, as they eagerly await the opening of the annual Malta Arts Festival. This is a celebration of theatre, dance, music and art and provides lots of extra stuff to do and see for tourists too - if you happen to be around in July.
What time of year do you set off fireworks where you live? Time was when there was one set day of the year for lighting up the sky in most countries – Chinese New Year, Bastille Day in France, Independence Day in the USA and November 5 in the UK. Nowadays though, hardly a month goes by without someone lighting the blue touch paper and standing well back – Christmas, New Year, weddings, birthdays etc any excuse will do!
Say the word ‘jazz’ to someone and you’ll get one of two reactions – it’s either a dreamy eyed look as that person hears a Charley Parker saxophone solo in their mind, or they’ll pull a face as if someone has just served them a raw liver sandwich. There are no half measures – people love or loathe jazz!
Under any circumstances, a festival in the enchanting and historic city of Birgu would certainly be worth attending. And so the annual celebration of Birgufest with great food, music and historic re-enactments was always likely to draw a crowd. But then add the extra dimension of doing it all by candlelight and suddenly you have a truly magical night out.
Annual Events in Malta
As anyone who has been on the island in the summer time will tell you, the Maltese don’t half love a festival! Pretty much every town, village and city has a massive one every year with deafening and spectacular fireworks let off to mark each event. There are many other music, arts and beer festivals staged on the island that you should try and get along to if you’re trip to Malta coincides with them. For example, look out for the Malta Air Show, the Nadur Carnival or the magical Birgufest with its candle-lit procession.
Under any circumstances, a festival in the enchanting and historic city of Birgu would certainly be worth attending. And so the annual celebration of Birgufest with great food, music and historic re-enactments was always likely to draw a crowd. But then add the extra dimension of doing it all by candlelight and suddenly you have a truly magical night out. READ MORE
Patrons of the arts can often be found tapping their fingers impatiently in the early summer, as they eagerly await the opening of the annual Malta Arts Festival. This is a celebration of theatre, dance, music and art and provides lots of extra stuff to do and see for tourists too - if you happen to be around in July. READ MORE
Is there a sound on earth as heavenly as that of a talented, well-rehearsed, quality choir? Well, if you’re not sure then you can find out by attending Malta’s dedicated festival for choirs. Be aware that you may have a wait though because this one only comes around every two years. READ MORE
What time of year do you set off fireworks where you live? Time was when there was one set day of the year for lighting up the sky in most countries – Chinese New Year, Bastille Day in France, Independence Day in the USA and November 5 in the UK. Nowadays though, hardly a month goes by without someone lighting the blue touch paper and standing well back...READ MORE
Say the word ‘jazz’ to someone and you’ll get one of two reactions – it’s either a dreamy eyed look as that person hears a Charley Parker saxophone solo in their mind, or they’ll pull a face as if someone has just served them a raw liver sandwich. There are no half measures – people love or loathe jazz! READ MORE
No matter how ridiculous you think the Eurovision Song Contest might be - with it’s bizarre range of songs, strange costumes, downright dubious dance routines and hugely predictable political voting - many Maltese people consider it to be a very big deal! READ MORE